- Course teachers :
- Seminar teachers:
- Lect. Dr. Oana Otilia Captarencu
- Lect. Dr. Alex Moruz
- Assist. Drd. Bogdan Prelipcean
- Assist. Dr. Diana Gratie
- Course content and bibliography
- Structure: 7 seminars, 6 laboratories.
- Final score: P = 2.5 *SA + 2.5 * LA + 5 * T
- SA = seminar activity (max 10 points) = A + ST
- A: 2 points for the activity during the seminar
- ST: 8 points for written test
- LA = laboratory activity (max 10 points)
- homework (10 points)
- Aditional points can be obtained by solving proposed problems during the laboratory
- T written test during the examination session
- Minimal conditions for passing the exam:
SA >=4, LA >=4, SA + LA >=10, T >=5, final score P >=50
- SA = seminar activity (max 10 points) = A + ST
- The final grade is obtained using the Gauss distribution
- Every student must attend the laboratories and seminars with the group he/she is registered in.
- Any extrordinary situation that might require attending the seminar/laboratory with other group must be announced (the laboratory teacher will establish the way in which te activity must be re-scheduled).
- The seminary written test (ST) cannot be re-taken during the re-examnination session!
- Special information for students who failed the exam in the past 2 years: any of the grades over 5 obtained in the previous years for LA, SA can be taken into account this year.
- Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
- The WSL extension for Visual Studio Code
- Lex Documentation
- Lex Examples
- Bison Manual
Laboratory attendance is mandatory. Any absence will lead to penalties in the final grade for the homework.
- The homework must be solved in teams consisting of 2 students (from the same group).
- Lecture 1: Formal languages; Grammars; Chomsky Hierarchy; Type 3 grammars; Closure properties for regular languages
- Lecture 2: Deterministic and Nondeterministic Finite Automata; Automata with epsilon-transitions
- Lecture 3: Minimization of Deterministic Finite Automata; Type 3 Grammars and Finite Automata
- Lecture 4: Regular expressions; The automaton equivalent to a regular expression;
- Lecture 5: Context-free grammars and languages; The reduced form for type 2 grammars; Chomsky normal form; The recognition problem: CYK algorithm
- Lecture 6: Pushdown automata; Pushdown automata and context-free languages
- Lecture 7: Stages of compilation, Lexical analysis, General Bottom-up parsing
- Lecture 8: Bottom-up parsing. LR(0) parsing. SLR(1) parsing. FIRST and FOLLOW
- Lecture 9: LR(1) parsing. LALR(1) parsing.
- Lecture 10: Semantic analysis. Semantic attributes. High-level intermediate code.