Formal Languages, Automata and Compilers
Course information
Evaluation system
  • Structure: 7 seminars, 6 laboratories.
  • Final score: P = 2.5 *SA + 2.5 * LA + 5 * T
    • SA = seminar activity (max 10 points) = A + ST
      • A: 2 points for the activity during the seminar
      • ST: 8 points for written test
    • LA = laboratory activity (max 10 points)
      • homework (10 points)
      • Aditional points can be obtained by solving proposed problems during the laboratory
    • T written test during the examination session
    • Minimal conditions for passing the exam:

      SA >=4, LA >=4, SA + LA >=10, T >=5, final score P >=50

  • The final grade is obtained using the Gauss distribution
Laboratory and seminar general rules
  • Every student must attend the laboratories and seminars with the group he/she is registered in.
  • Any extrordinary situation that might require attending the seminar/laboratory with other group must be announced (the laboratory teacher will establish the way in which te activity must be re-scheduled).
  • The seminary written test (ST) cannot be re-taken during the re-examnination session!

  • Special information for students who failed the exam in the past 2 years: any of the grades over 5 obtained in the previous years for LA, SA can be taken into account this year.


Laboratory attendance is mandatory. Any absence will lead to penalties in the final grade for the homework.

Lex Laboratory

Yacc/Bison laboratory


  • The homework must be solved in teams consisting of 2 students (from the same group).
  • Lecture 1: Formal languages; Grammars; Chomsky Hierarchy; Type 3 grammars; Closure properties for regular languages
  • Lecture 2: Deterministic and Nondeterministic Finite Automata; Automata with epsilon-transitions
  • Lecture 3: Minimization of Deterministic Finite Automata; Type 3 Grammars and Finite Automata
  • Lecture 4: Regular expressions; The automaton equivalent to a regular expression;
  • Lecture 5: Context-free grammars and languages; The reduced form for type 2 grammars; Chomsky normal form; The recognition problem: CYK algorithm
  • Lecture 6: Pushdown automata; Pushdown automata and context-free languages
  • Lecture 7: Stages of compilation, Lexical analysis, General Bottom-up parsing
  • Lecture 8: Bottom-up parsing. LR(0) parsing. SLR(1) parsing. FIRST and FOLLOW
  • Lecture 9: LR(1) parsing. LALR(1) parsing.
  • Lecture 10: Semantic analysis. Semantic attributes. High-level intermediate code.