Week 2

  • Course
  • Laboratory: API RESTFull
    • Homework [1]: Create an application that provides a RESTFull API. Observation: Is mandatory to use at least: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. You are not allowed to use frameworks for this homework. It is very important to respect all additional requirements specified in the laboratory.

Week 3

Week 4

  • Course
  • Laboratory: RESTFull APIs & Frameworks
    • Express
    • NestJs
    • Django
    • ASP.NET
    • Usefull tools for build, publish, deploy: Maven, Jenkins, Ansible
    • [Homework 2] Create an application (backend, frontend) that uses at least 3 Web services. One of the services will be the RESTful Web service, created in Homework 1. The information will be presented in a graphical Web interface. For development, it is mandatory to use at least one framework.
      • Additional Information:
        • the application should have client-side and server-side, which means that a web interface is required;
        • the communication logic with the three Web services will be implemented in the backend component of the application;
        • you need to handle the errors and exception cases that may appear in your application while integrating with the Web services;
      • General observations:
        • In the evaluation process, the complexity of the used APIs (the remaining two services) will be taken into consideration;
        • The used APIs should require minimal authentication using an API key;
        • Any form of secret (e.g. email password, secret key) should not be hardcoded in code. Try to at least store it in a configuration file;
        • The homework can be implemented in any programming language
      • It is very important to respect all additional requirements specified in the laboratory.

Week 4' [March, 23, 2024] - Saturday, 10:00 - 12:00 PM - Location: Webex

  • [Online] Programming in Cloud(AWS) with node.js - Location: Webex
  • Prerequisites:
    • Create a free account on AWS. Your credit card will be used just for your identity validation.
  • Obs. Personal laptops are required for tests!
    Obs. Any changes will be announced on this page.

Week 5

  • Course: Google Cloud
  • Discussions over Homework [2]

Week 6 + Week 6'

Week 7

!!! Week 8[April, 15-18, 2024] - SpringSchool

  • [April, 15-18, 2024] - Faculty of Computer Science organize in April the Spring School for students on topics of Cloud Computing/Edge Computing (Applications, Security)
  • Notice: The topics addressed in the SpringSchool cover multiple directions addressed in our courses, but some are required and participation in them is considered as the advanced recovery of these thematics.
  • Other details regarding participation to these courses are given through your email, after your REGISTRATION
  • The REQUIRED courses from this SpringSchool (to be updated):
    • [15 Aprilie - 10:30-12:30] 6g Architecture Development
    • [16 Aprilie - 09:00-10:50] HTTP 3 is here
    • [16 Aprilie - 11:00-13:00] Virtualization and real implementation in High Performance Computers
    • [17 Aprilie - 09:00-13:00] OpenStack si RaaS-IS
    • [18 Aprilie - 08:30-11:00] Unveiling the Evolution of Cybersecurity: a look at Google's Security throughout History
    • BONUS! Participarea activa la activitatile propuse in 15-18 Aprilie poate conduce la un bonus de 1p la proiectul final. Nu uitati sa va treceti pe foaia de prezenta care va fi in fiecare dimineata disponibila la intrare.


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