Course 1 - Lab 1 (in Romanian)
Course 2 - Lab 2 (in Romanian)
Course 3 - Lab 3 (in Romanian)
Course 4 - Lab 4 (in Romanian)
Course 5 - Lab 5 (in Romanian)
Course 6 - Lab 6 (in Romanian)
Course 7 - Lab 7 (in Romanian)
- Week 8 - Partial Test - 18.11.2024 18:00 - Room C2
Course 8 - Lab 8 (in Romanian)
Course 9 - Lab 9 (in Romanian)
Course 10 - Lab 10 (in Romanian)
Course 11 - Lab 11 (Article Presentations)
Course 12 - Lab 12 (Article Presentations)
Curs si laborator (MISS) - miercuri 08.01, 16:00, 18:00 - Webex link (Meeting password: Blockchain24)
Laborator (MIAO2, MSAI) - miercuri 08.01, 18:00 - Webex link
Laborator (MSI) - joi 09.01, 16:00 - Webex link (Meeting password: Blockchain24)
Course 13 - Lab 13 (Homework evaluation)
Curs miercuri 15.01, 16:00- Webex link
Laborator - conform programarilor pe echipe:
Blockchain course description sheet: in Romanian - in English
Note: For Distributed Systems 2nd year of study, the course has allocated 8 credit units.